



Miami Living Magazine: MOCA North Miami Presents Alexandra Fields O'Neale: Bound//Unbound

The Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami (MOCA), is thrilled to showcase the captivating work of local artist Alexandra Fields O'Neale as she unveils a large-scale art installation, Bound//Unbound, during the museum’s second iteration of Welcome To Paradise. The opening of the installation will be celebrated during a public reception on February 23.

Miami Times: A story of bondage and freedom at MOCA

In the vibrant heart of Miami, where the colors of culture blend with the rhythms of history, visual artist Alexandra Fields O’Neale has embarked on a daring quest. Fueled by determination to unearth the narratives of our ancestors, North Miami native O’Neale offers exploration and revelation through her art.

March at MOCA: Immersive Soundscapes, Symbolic Pinwheels and Mindful Movement

Exploring the little-known Saltwater Railroad, or, the coastal waterway followed by many enslaved people escaping from the Southern slave states into the British-controlled Bahamas, is part of Miami artist Alexandra Fields O’Neale’s sound art installation, “Bound/Unbound,” in the courtyard of the Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami (MOCA), part of the Museum’s Welcome to Paradise series.